Dr Jagdish Gandhi was inspired by following 10 persons in his
life |

What prompted Dr Jagdish Gandhi to act
with such zeal and intensity is his firm conviction and
commitment to world unity as he believes in oneness of God,
oneness of religion and oneness of mankind. From his early
childhood, he has been influenced, from time to time, by the
life and thoughts of great personalities, more importantly the
ones listed here.
Gandhi, Dr Jagdish Gandhi besides imparting quality
education, has been trying to inculcate universal values of
Truth, Non-violence and Love for Whole Humanity in the minds of
about 55,000 students of his school – the City Montessori School
(CMS) Lucknow, India. Early in life young Jagdish was attracted
to the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and had always dreamt of
seeing the great man in person. So he was devastated when he
heard of Mahatma Gandhi's assassination on 30th January 1948 and
realized that now he will never be able to fulfill this dream.
Young Jagdish, then about 12 years old, was heartbroken, however
he decided to carry on the Mahatma's mission of truth,
non-violence and world peace for which he studied his
autobiography and articles and carried out campaigns to
eradicate social evils right from his days in school.

inspiration from
Victor Hugo who said
“there is one thing stronger than all the
armies of the world and that is AN IDEA whose time has come”
and from the continuous struggle of
Nelson Mandela
for justice Dr Gandhi came up with the IDEA that “Enforceable
International Law and Empowering the International Court of
Justice is ‘THE IDEA’ whose time has come”. With this IDEA in
mind, he called upon the World Judiciary on the need of
Enforceable International Law to safeguard the future of world’s
two billion children and generations yet-to-be-born. Since the
last seven years he has been organizing annual international
conferences of Chief Justices of the World as the
self-appointed guardian of world’s two billion children.

taught that ‘Earth is but one country and
mankind its citizens’
and that world will not survive without unity of hearts. He said
that remedy for all the ills of ‘This Day’ is
Inspired by His teachings, Dr Gandhi propagates His concept of
Unity of Hearts, 'Oneness of God’, ‘Oneness of Religion’ and
‘Oneness of Mankind', through manifold daily school activities
and also through 29 annual international events, to about 55,000 CMS
students, their parents and global society at large. Baha'u'llah's great personality to fundamentally influenced and
shaped Dr Gandhi's thinking later in 1974 is Baha'u'llah,
Prophet and Founder of the Baha'i Faith, whose teachings
permeate the daily life and thinking of Jagdish Gandhi. In
December 1974, 33 years ago, young Jagdish Gandhi organized an
International Youth Conference in London on the topic of 'World
Peace through Education' from 17 to 19 December, 1974 at
Victoria Hall, Ealing, London. where he met some youths from the
Baha'i community. After learning about the Baha'i philosophy of
the Oneness of God, Oneness of Religions and Oneness of Mankind
and World Unity, so greatly was he impacted that he accepted the
Baha'i Faith and declared himself a Baha'i. Subsequently, he
gave up politics forever and rededicated his life to the
meaningful education of children, having accepted Baha'u'llah's
teaching that "Among the greatest of all the great services that
can possibly be rendered by a man to Almighty God is the
meaningful spiritual education of children, building their
character and inculcating in their tender hearts the love of

Einstein’s thought that “Only World Law can ensure
progress towards a Civilized peaceful community”, he has been
running a campaign calling all nations of the world to empower
the International Court of Justice for peaceful resolution of
international disputes which will also obviate the need for
armed conflicts .

Nobel Laureate
Jan Tinbergen’s observation that world’s problems can
be solved only by strengthening the United Nations System, Dr
Gandhi approached Kofi Annan, the then Secretary
General, United Nations on behalf of two billion children of the
world requesting him to safeguard the future of world’s two
billion children by initiating steps to make International Law
enforceable and binding upon all the nations of the world.

in the footsteps of
Vinoba Bhave,
he is making tireless efforts to instil his concept of
Jai Jagat (victory to the world) in the hearts &
minds of his students who greet each other with the call 'Jai
Jagat' and have imbibed the spirit of global unity. He is
raising his voice for the safe future of world's two billion
children and generations yet to be born which has attracted
worldwide attention. Bhave's influence the thinking of young
Jagdish was Saint Vinoba Bhave, the spiritual successor of
Mahatma Gandhi and progenitor of Jai Jagat (victory be to
the world). Later in life, Dr Gandhi personally met Saint Vinoba
Bhave several times and was so inspired by his clarion call that
he chose 'Jai Jagat' (Victory be to the world) as the
school motto of CMS. While greeting each other, every child says
‘Jai Jagat’.

person who according to him has saved his spiritual life is his
Geeta Gandhi
Kingdon. Dr Gandhi regards his second daughter as his
‘Spiritual Mother’
because she prevented him from contesting for a second term in
state legislative assembly elections and be involved in divisive
politics, since the family had now accepted the Baha’i Faith for
spiritual regeneration and the faith prohibits its followers
from participating in Divisive Politics which it believes is a
hindrance in spiritual progress.
“Though she is my daughter, I consider her as my spiritual
mother”, Dr Gandhi proudly says. Born in 1963, Geeta had her
early education in CMS. Having finished his five-year term as a
Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) in UP State Legislature
in early 1974, Dr Gandhi encountered and accepted the Baha'i
Faith in London in 1974. In 1977 his uncle Prabhu Dayal
persuaded him to contest the next bye-election to the State
Assembly. But young Geeta, all of only 14 years old then,
confronted her father and reminded him that the teachings of the
Baha'i Faith prohibit believers from participating in divisive
politics and that therefore he should quit politics for ever.
She asked him to answer two questions: (1) What will happen to
my faith in Baha'u'llah which you have given to me? and (2) What
will happen to my faith in you as my father? Dr Gandhi had no
answer. Though he was fully confident of winning the 2nd term of
election, Geeta's words changed the course of his life and since
then, during the last three decades, he never again participated
in any political activity or elections. Dr Gandhi says that
inspite of Geeta's brilliant academic achievements, acclaimed
research works and writings, Geeta is still the same simple,
humane, God-fearing and humble person, and a friend, philosopher
and guide to him. “I keep learning from her life and
achievements and above all her love for humanity and humility,”
he says often. Geeta is a Professor at London University.
The influence of the above people led Dr Gandhi to embark on a
career dedicated to striving for world unity and world peace
through education besides his commitment to quality education to
children. Over the last five decades, his boundless energy,
single-minded dedication and far-sighted vision led to unique
contributions to the cause of World Unity through education.

of World Federation of
Mahendra Pratap
Raja Mahendra Pratap was a revolutionary freedom fighter and
a great crusader for World Federation, who planted in the young
mind of Dr Gandhi a strong dedication to bring about world unity
because without ‘world unity’ there can be no lasting world
peace. While he was a student of class XI at Mathura, young
Jagdish met RAJAJI in his Prem Mahavidyalaya in Mathura where
Rajaji gave him a copy of his Weekly Paper ‘Sansar Sangh’ (World
Federation). The articles in Sansar Sangh shaped Dr Gandhi's
commitment to spirituality and world unity.

Prabhu Dayal's
stress on Vasudhaiv Kutumbukam (The world is but one family)
The fourth person who influenced Dr Jagdish Gandhi was his
uncle Prabhu Dayal, a meagrely educated but highly spiritual man
who was also a well-known village social worker. A
dedicated-follower of Mahatma Gandhi, Prabhu Dayal suffered
prison terms several times during the Indian freedom struggle
with Mahatma Gandhi. He taught young Jagdish the basics of
Gandhian thought and philosophy and exhorted him to always
strive for the betterment of global society. The teachings of
his uncle Prabhu Dayal lit the fire of spiritual awareness and
World Unity in Jagdish since his childhood and motivated him to
work for the spiritual regeneration of humanity. His uncle also
taught Jagdish to treat the entire humanity as one family,
following the Indian tradition of 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbukam'
(the world is but one family).
— Ratan Chand Gupta
Former Joint Secretary—Law and Parliament Affairs
Government of Uttar Pradesh
General Secretary, City Montessori School, Lucknow

Dr Jagdish Gandhi drew inspiration of
his life from the spiritual teachers of mankind
