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Dr Jagdish Gandhi

A visionary and a far-sighted person, Jagdish Gandhi has been building bridges of peace across the globe for nearly 50 years. For his long-standing contributions to education in peace, the United Nations awarded the prestigious UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in the year 2002 to his unique creation - the City Montessori School, popularly known as CMS, which Gandhi founded in 1959 and has been serving as its Founder-Manager. Among the previous recipients of this prize are Nobel Peace Prize laureates – Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Rigoberto Menchu Tum of Guatemala as well as groups such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). 

Dr Jagdish Gandhi's Philosophy

The philosophy of 'Jai Jagat' (Victory be to the world)
Under Dr Gandhi's inspiration and guidance, his school has adopted Saint Vinoba Bhave’s philosophy of ‘Jai Jagat’ (Victory be to the world). Therefore, CMS education revolves around the twin poles of Godliness and globalism. While daily prayer-assemblies ensure that children are spiritually nourished, globalism is inculcated in them through activities such as Children's International Summer Village (CISV) camps, International School to School Experience (ISSE) exchanges and various other international events that CMS organizes every year to provide an opportunity to children from different cultures and nationalities of the world to come together and experience global exposer and cross-cultural interaction.

School as the ‘Lighthouse of Society’
While the philosophy of Jai Jagat is the guiding principle behind all school activities at CMS, Dr Gandhi believes that the school must act as a Lighthouse of Society, providing meaningful education, spiritual direction, guidance and leadership to students, parents and the society in general. He feels that school must also concern itself with the affairs of the age which are plaguing the world today. He believes that the purpose of today's education should be the redemption of humankind from disunity and to bring unity of hearts which requires purity of hearts and purity of motives.


All Religion Prayer and World Unity Prayer
Dr Gandhi was the pioneer in organizing all religion-prayers before the commencement of all school events. On these occasions, students attired in traditional costumes render their respective religions' prayers sequentially on one stage. Particular care is taken to teach children to respect all religions by educating them that the basic teachings of all religions are the same. A unique feature of CMS is to organize (i) All Religion Prayers (ii) World Unity Prayer Ceremony and (iii) Children’s World Parliament, before the commencement of all school events.

CMS sees every child as the light of the world

The cornerstone of CMS educational philosophy is a firm belief in the statement, “Every child is potentially the light of the world, as well as the cause of its darkness; wherefore the question of education must be accounted as of primary importance." CMS believes that the school has the most important role in shaping human potential. A modern school must therefore, act as a lighthouse of society, providing meaningful education, spiritual direction, guidance and leadership to its students, parents and society.  

Creating lifetime learners

We believe that the destiny of man is shaped in the classroom. To prepare the leaders of tomorrow to face the challenges of the 21st century, we are preparing children for a world outside the classroom that is constantly changing and challenging.

It is no longer enough for workers to learn one set of skills and hope that would keep them on their jobs for a lifetime. The highly competitive global economy expects employees to adopt new technical skills or they will be left behind. CMS creates lifetime learners who are trained to constantly upgrade their skills and knowledge.

CMS children are conscious of their own strengths and weaknesses. They want to learn all the time because they are involved in competition with themselves and not with someone else.                                                                                                                                       

CMS — a place where every child excels

The academic and co-curricular achievements of CMS students have placed the school amongst the foremost educational institutions of the world. Its students participate in a record number of national and international activities organized to broaden their horizons and in particular to equip them with an international outlook and a global vision.


"The website is dedicated to Respected Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder of City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, India. This website has been conceptualized, designed and maintained by CMS Alumni."
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