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Dr Jagdish Gandhi

A visionary and a far-sighted person, Jagdish Gandhi has been building bridges of peace across the globe for nearly 50 years. For his long-standing contributions to education in peace, the United Nations awarded the prestigious UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in the year 2002 to his unique creation - the City Montessori School, popularly known as CMS, which Gandhi founded in 1959 and has been serving as its Founder-Manager. Among the previous recipients of this prize are Nobel Peace Prize laureates – Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Rigoberto Menchu Tum of Guatemala as well as groups such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). 

New concepts of education Dr Jagdish Gandhi has given to the world

The philosophy of 'Jai Jagat' (Victory be to the world)
School as the ‘Lighthouse of Society’
All Religion Prayer and World Unity Prayer
Students' Quality Control Circles
Home Visit Scheme and Model Class Presentations
FM Radio Stations and Film Division
Call for Enforceable International Law and empowerment of International Court of Justice
International Conferences of Chief Justices of the World
Guardian of world's two billion children
Aao Dosti Karein
Children's World Parliament
World Citizen Dress
World Unity Satsang (World Unity Congregation)

1. The philosophy of 'Jai Jagat' (Victory be to the world)

Under Dr Gandhi's inspiration and guidance, his school has adopted Saint Vinoba Bhave’s philosophy of ‘Jai Jagat’ (Victory be to the world). Therefore, CMS education revolves around the twin poles of Godliness and globalism. While daily prayer-assemblies ensure that children are spiritually nourished, globalism is inculcated in them through activities such as Children's International Summer Village (CISV) camps, International School to School Experience (ISSE) exchanges and various other international events that CMS organizes every year to provide an opportunity to children from different cultures and nationalities of the world to come together and experience global exposer and cross-cultural interaction.

2. School as the ‘Lighthouse of Society’
While the philosophy of 'Jai Jagat' is the guiding principle behind all school activities at CMS, Dr Gandhi believes that the school must act as a Lighthouse of Society, providing meaningful education, spiritual direction, guidance and leadership to students, parents and the society in general. He feels that school must also concern itself with the affairs of the age which are plaguing the world today. He believes that the purpose of today's education should be the redemption of humankind from disunity and to bring unity of hearts which requires purity of hearts and purity of motives.   

3. All Religion Prayer and World Unity Prayer
Dr Gandhi was the pioneer in organizing all religion-prayers before the commencement of all school events. On these occasions, students attired in traditional costumes render their respective religions' prayers sequentially on one stage. Particular care is taken to teach children to respect all religions by educating them that the basic teachings of all religions are the same. A unique feature of CMS is to organize (i) All Religion Prayers (ii) World Unity Prayer Ceremony and (iii) Children’s World Parliament, before the commencement of all school events.

4. Students' Quality Control Circles
Dr Gandhi invented and pioneered the introduction of Student's Quality Control Circles (SQCC's) in education, an idea which he learnt from Kaizen Philosophy and Total Quality Management (T.Q.M.) concept of Industries during his visit to Japan. His School became the first school of the world to start SQCC's with the object of implanting quality awareness in children at a young age (Catch them Young for Quality) and to inculcate in them a strong desire for world unity. He aspires to develop the children as Total Quality Person (TQP) by providing them from early childhood with a balanced education of all the three realities of life i.e. material, human and divine inherent in a human being. Today SQCC's have been spread in more than 30 countries all over the world. Dr Gandhi believes that concept of Total Quality Management (T.Q.M.) will succeed only if the person at the helms of its affairs is a Total Quality Person (T.Q.P.). Therefore he is popularizing the Concept of Total Quality Person(T.Q.P.) all over the world through school education with the mission of catching the children at young age for Quality of life.

5. Home Visit Scheme and Model Class Presentations
Dr Gandhi pioneered the concept of Teacher-Guardians in CMS who visit the homes of their students to interact with parents in the presence of the child, to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the child and advise the family on how to bring out the best in the student. The teacher-guardian also educates parents about the CMS philosophy of ‘Jai Jagat’ and its emphasis on world unity so that there is no conflict between the ideals the child is taught at school and at home. Dr Gandhi also introduced the concept of ‘Model Class Presentations’ for students of every class from Pre-primary to High Secondary level. At these classes children present various items such as speech, drama, discussion, debate, quiz, song, etc. based on the philosophy of Jai Jagat (Victory be to the world) so that the children not only learn to overcome stage-fright and become confident & eloquent public speakers and develop leadership qualities but also cultivate a commitment to world unity. 

6. FM Radio Stations and Film Division
Under Dr Gandhi's inspiration and leadership, CMS became the first school in the world to establish two educational FM Radio Stations (90.4 MHz) and its own Films Division with a staff of over 50 technical experts, producing educational programmes that also promote the school philosophy of World Unity. Dr Gandhi's school is the first school which is producing educational films and organizing Children's Film Festivals where educational and value-oriented films based on Godliness & Globalism are shown free of cost to children, parents, teachers and the general public, to popularise the concept of world unity.

7. Call for Enforceable International Law and empowerment of International Court of Justice
Drawing inspiration from Victor Hugo who said "There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the world and that is 'An Idea' whose time has come" Dr Gandhi came up with the thought that “Enforceable International Law and Empowering the International Court of Justice is 'The Idea' whose time has come" in order to safeguard the future of the world's two billion children and generations yet-to-be-born. He upholds that empowering the International Court of Justice is imperative to decide disputes legally and for interpretation of international law. This will obviate the need for conflict because international disputes would be resolved peacefully and legally by the impartial court, and large resources spent on defense and defense-preparedness can be conserved for the welfare of humanity. In the present situation this can be done by empowering the International Court of Justice and by strengthening the United Nations system & removing 5 veto powers. 

8. International Conferences of Chief Justices of the World

Dr Gandhi pioneered the idea of organizing Annual International Conferences of Chief Justices of the World and World Judiciary Summits for promoting the philosophy of Enforceable International Law and empowering the International Court of Justice in order to safeguard the future of world's two billion children and generations yet to be born. These conferences have been attended by Chief Justices, Judges, Law Ministers and legal luminaries of over 100 countries during the last seven years. Greater global awareness and a tremendous response from all over the world has infused high hopes from this CMS campaign.

9. Guardian of world's two billion children

Dr Gandhi, the founder of CMS, Guinness World record holder the largest city school in the world, has assumed himself as a self-appointed guardian of the rights and welfare of world's two billion children and of generations yet-to-be-born, therefore Dr Gandhi has been striving relentlessly to persuade the world's political leaders and heads of national judiciaries to take up the children's cause and to ensure that their right to inherit a safe and healthy future is protected.

10. "Aao Dosti Karein" (ADK) (Come, let us be friends!)

Dr Gandhi conceived and implemented the idea of Indo-Pak Children's Friendship Club. Named "Aao Dosti Karein" (come, let us be friends), the ADK Club facilitated letter exchanges between thousands of CMS students with their Pakistani counterparts and later led to exchange of visits between CMS students and students from many Pakistani schools over the last five years. The objective of ADK Club is to promote and infuse in their hearts and minds the idea of unity & peace between India and Pakistan and implant the idea of world unity and world peace in the children of both the countries. 

11. Children's World Parliament

Dr Gandhi conceived the idea of 'Children's World Parliament' where children playact as world leaders and discuss global problems and solutions preparing them right from childhood to be responsible world's statesmen. The idea is to let the children imagine themselves as the citizens of the world, addressing humanity as one family.

12. World Citizen Dress

Dr Gandhi popularized the concept of 'World Citizen's Dress' which was first developed by Professor Mangesh Teli of Bombay University. Embossed on the World Citizen's Dress are the symbols of all major religions and the national flags of all countries. The dress is the central focus of the spectacular World Peace Prayer Ceremony that is an integral part of every CMS event. The entire presentation aims to inspire young children to view themselves as World Citizens responsible for the welfare for all beings in the world.

13. World Unity Satsang (World Unity Congregation)

Every Sunday, Dr Gandhi addresses world unity prayer meetings which are telecast regularly on international and national television channels such as Aastha, Sanskar & Sadhna. The deep impact of these programs on the viewers is reflected in the hundreds of letters received from all over India and abroad lavishly praising the concept of World Unity and the content of the program and reveal how receptive people are to the appeals for unity of God, unity of religions and unity of humankind.


"The website is dedicated to Respected Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder of City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, India. This website has been conceptualized, designed and maintained by CMS Alumni."
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